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Parish Council

The Parish Clerk:

Mark Knight

Email: pc.creetingstpeter@gmail.com

Scheduled meetings take place every other month at the Church Room (at the end of The Lane) at 7.30 p.m. and are open to the public. A copy of the minutes of these meetings can be seen upon request from the Clerk and on this website.


Notice of next meeting of the Parish Council


The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Monday, 15th July 2024 at 7.30pm.  


If you would like to attend the meeting please let the Clerk know beforehand.


Venue: The Church Hall, Creeting St Peter


Time:   7.30pm


The public are welcome to attend to observe and can participate during the public forum session.


Please be aware that filming and other reporting might take place at the meeting.


The Parish Councillors are:

  • Cllr Mark Valladares (Chair) - 07912 620187
  • Cllr Davin Bridges
  • Cllr Daniel Mason - 01449 678160
  • Cllr Ayse Singh (Vice-Chair)
  • Cllr Lynne Jardine - lynne@lynnejardine.co.uk - 07766 030505

To view our Councillor's Register of Interests - follow link choosing Mid Suffolk, and Creeting St Peter in drop down menus.

The Parish Council's responsibilities include:

  • Finance - The Parish Council is responsible for the approval and monitoring of Council expenditure, annually analysing future funding requirements and recommends the precept to be raised. Arranging insurance of parish property, loans and donations and other associated activities requiring finance.
  • Public Footpaths - The Parish Council oversees the maintenance of the footpaths within the Parish of Creeting St Peter.
  • Planning - The Parish Council receives and considers consultation copies of all Planning Applications relating to the parish. Recommendations from the Council either in support of the application or as objections, are passed to Mid Suffolk District Council who, as Planning Authority, will make use of these comments in their determination of the application.
  • Parish Property - The Parish Council provides and maintains dog waste bins, litter bins, notice boards, benches and street lights, the playing field and play equipment, and Fen Alder Carr Local Nature Reserve.
  • Highways and Lighting - The Parish Council oversees highways matters such as the need for road repairs, signposting, street lights and the supply of electricity for street lighting.

Suffolk Local Code of Conduct for Members

In accordance with S 26 to 37 of the Localism Act 2011 on 18th July 2012, Creeting St Peter Parish Council resolved to adopt the Suffolk Local Code of Conduct for the purposes of discharging its duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct within its area. A revised version of the Suffolk Code of Conduct was adopted on 24th July 2014.

Register of Members Interests:- www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/council-business/council-and-democracy/

Notice of next meeting of the Parish Council

The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Monday, 15th July 2024 at 7.30pm.  

If you would like to attend the meeting please let the Clerk know beforehand.

Venue: The Church Hall, Creeting St Peter

Time:   7.30pm

The public are welcome to attend to observe and can participate during the public forum session.

Please be aware that filming and other reporting might take place at the meeting.




Agenda for next meeting